Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Why I Label My Label Maker

I love labels so much, I label my label maker! 🤣

Actually, that’s only half true. I do love labels, 
but I label my label maker because it just makes sense.

Have you ever gone to make a label for something and thought a specific lettering style or border would look great, only to print it and realize it was not at all what you wanted? Well, I have...plenty of times actually, enough so that I realized I was wasting a lot of label maker tape by printing out these duds, that I ended up throwing away because it wasn’t exactly what I wanted. Then, an idea struck! 💡 If I was going to end up wasting label tape anyway, why not do it just once and have samples of all the different options available for easy reference when using my trusty little label maker? So, I went through the label maker menu, one print style at a time, typing in the name of the print style type and then printing it out in that style. I then did the same thing with the different borders that were available. When everything was printed, I taped all the labels to the bottom of my label maker and now when I’m using it and I’m unsure which print style or border I want, I just flip the label maker over and check my handy labels, eliminating the possibility of printing unwanted labels.

This quick little idea has saved me lots of time, money and frustration with labeling projects.

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